Registrations are now closed. For more information about the conference, please contact us.
2015 Conference and PD Intensive Papers
Moreton Bay Regional Council recently hosted QPLA’s 2015 Conference “Partners in Time” at Mon Komo Hotel, Redcliffe.
We were fortunate to have a wonderful array of keynote speakers and presenters for the conference. Thanks to their generosity, you’ll find links to their presentations below:
Mary Ellen Bates
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Communicating Value
Painless (no, really!) Negotiating
Sivan Bolger
Will Dayble
Disrupting Libraries – summary part 1
Disrupting Libraries – summary Part 2
First 5 Forever Forum
Luan Heimlich
Tammy Hickey
Dr Kirralee Houghton & Deb Miles
Value of Creativity in Public Libraries
Tracey King, Gavin Elliott and Nicolette Venn
Deb Miles and Eva Ruggiero
Kirsty O’Callaghan
Sue Prenzler