Tammy Hickey, librarian at Cunnamulla Library, recently introduced two programs she initially started when working at her local State School.
The first initiative, Glamour photos, runs in partnership with both local schools and provides incentives for good behaviour and use of the library.
For students to be eligible they must meet the following criteria:
* Must attend school 85%
* Must be on level one behaviour (the highest)
* Must be members of the library
* Must try hard at school
These students then come to the library during school hours where they can choose a lovely dress, or suit in the case of the boys. They have their hair and make-up done, then pose for studio standard photos. Each child chosen gets a photo of their choice in a Christmas card to give to their parents.
In 2014 60 students were photographed, with some parents joining in. Wherever possible, siblings are paired for family portraits. In 2015, children from Kindy and Daycare are invited to participate and parents will be encouraged to join in. This is of absolutely no cost to the school, children or parents. After their photo experience the students are then treated to a lovely morning/afternoon tea.
The second good behaviour initiative is the Concert/Stage Show Competition.
The students must meet the following criteria to enter:
*Must attend school 85% of the time
*Must be on level one behaviour
*Must be library members
*Must return library books on time
*Must come to After School Reading Club
*Write a persuasive text on why they should be chosen.
This is the second year of the competition, with lots of entries received as it is very popular.
It has the added bonus of boosting library membership, ensuring books are returned on time, and children attend After School Reading Club – thus actively encouraging literacy.
Cunnamulla Library approached their local airline to donate return flights for a child from each school to fly to Brisbane, accompanied by Tammy. Novotel Brisbane Airport Hotel very kindly dontates accommodation. They are then taken on tour of Brisbane, including a concert, a stage show, a visit to State Library, Lone Pine (or somewhere similar), shopping, and a luncheon cruise on the Kookaburra Queen.
Some of their winners have never been to Brisbane so this is really exciting for them. On their 2013 trip, the students and Tammy visited Radio 99 FM and were Jamie Dunn’s guests on his breakfast show!
The trips are covered by the local newspaper, giving Cunnamulla Library a chance to thank the wonderful sponsors who help make it possible.