The QPLA Local Government Award provides an annual recognition of a Queensland Council that has demonstrated outstanding community service through delivery of a program or service.
This year we are delighted to announce that Moreton Bay Regional Council Libraries (MBRCL) received this Award for their PUPS project – a Pop Up Play Space. Thanks to a Strategic Project Grant from SLQ, MBRCL were able to consult the community and library staff, and design and fabricate a mobile play space which will tour their ten regional libraries.
The PUPS promotes the value of play-based learning in early childhood literacy, and the important role libraries have in facilitating play. The PUPS hosts an abundance of visually rich open-ended resources to help support children’s physical, emotional, social and emotional development. A resource has also been developed which showcases a variety of play styles which stimulate different senses and builds children’s skills and abilities.
Information about all nominations and an overview of their proposals can be found here.