Reasons to nominate your library for a QPLA Award

Cunnamulla Library has been regularly nominated for a QPLA award since 2013. Since that time, we have won 3 times (twice against all nominating libraries) and this year with the new category, Library of the Year 2024, population under 35 000.

We first won in 2013 with our After School Reading Club. We had to sit on the floor between the shelving due to the lack of space in the library at the time.

In 2015 we won both the Local Government and Delegates Choice awards for our Glamour Photo Good Behaviour Initiative. Last year we received the bronze award for our Evolution of Cunnamulla Library, which showcased the changes made to our library since 2013.

This year our winning nomination for libraries with a population under 35 000 was about the many organisations we partner with and the wonderful opportunities these partnerships have provided us.

It doesn’t matter what your event/project is about, I would encourage all libraries, particularly those with a population under 35 000, to enter. As you can see from the wins above our projects have varied.

Tammy Hickie, Library Manager, Paroo Shire Council

Reading Club win 2013
Glamour Photo Good Behaviour Initiative 2015
Evolution of Cunnamulla Library – Bronze Award 2023
What a transformation!

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