Queensland Public Libraries Association (QPLA) invites proposals for presentations, workshop, panel and interactive sessions addressing the overarching conference theme Libraries Colour my Life.
Presentation theme
Libraries colour people’s lives with the provision of choices, empowerment through information and connection with the community. People’s lives are enriched, transformed and brightened by libraries, they are vibrant places that initiate, adapt and grow to meet the changing needs of the community.
Potential speakers are asked to explore and expand upon the theme in relation to areas such as:
- Digital technology – gadgets, gizmos and keeping up with demand
- Design of library spaces – adapt, revitalise, renew or pop up
- Library branding and marketing
- Rethinking collection presentation
Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered. QPLA may also contact you to refine your session proposal.
Presentation duration
It is expected that individual, group, workshop, interactive and panel presentations will vary in duration depending on content and time for questions.
Paper proposals
Paper proposals should include:
- Presentation type (Individual, Group, Workshop, Interactive or Panel)
- Presentation title
- Expected presentation duration
- Presentation theme (Digital technology, Design of library spaces, Branding and Marketing, Collection presentation)
- Short description of 30 words summarising the presentation (can be used for promotional purposes)
- An abstract of the proposed topic up to 500 words
- A short biography of the author/s
- Full name and contact details of author/s
A one day registration will be provided by QPLA if your proposal is accepted. You will need to arrange travel and accommodation.
Paper proposals to be submitted by 13 June 2017 via email to conference@qpla.asn.au
For more information call Celia Donnellan at Sunshine Coast Libraries on (07) 5475 8906.