QPLA Supports Free and Equitable Access to Information

Queensland Public Libraries Statement of Support

The Queensland Public Libraries Association (QPLA) is committed to supporting public libraries throughout Queensland in providing free and equitable access to information for all members of the community, as well as ensuring safe, welcoming, inclusive, and respectful spaces for visitors and staff.
Public libraries in Queensland provide collections which aim to represent a wide coverage of subjects, formats, and genres to cater for the diverse needs of their communities.  As stated in the APLA-ALIA Standards and Guidelines for Australian Public Libraries, ‘public library collections should cover a wide range of popular topics, express a variety of viewpoints and cultural understandings, and represent a diversity of people, places, events, issues and ideas.’

QPLA stands behind our colleagues, and supports the statements issued by ALIANSWPLAState Library of NSWCAULNSLA and Equality Australia in their calls to ensure our library collections represent and reflect the full diversity of the communities they serve.

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