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Participation in the QPLA Board can be very rewarding but don’t just take our word for it.  Hear directly from previous Board members.

Executive roles

In my time on the Executive of the Board of QPLA (as President and Treasurer), I felt privileged to receive learnings, mentoring, support and networking opportunities from so many different Library professionals from all shapes and sizes of Library services. The access and knowledge I gained regarding what’s happening at a State, National and international level will forever change the way I work and think. I highly recommend the experience. Lisa Harth | Library Content and Collections Coordinator | Ipswich Libraries

The, more than two years I spent as QPLA Secretary were fulfilling both professionally and personally. It was great working with a group of close knit and professional individuals to work on forwarding Public Libraries in Queensland. My time in the role was both challenging and rewarding. I would highly recommend this opportunity to any Public library leaders that wants to create a better future for our sector.Scott Cadoo | Branch Leader | Moreton Bay City Council 

Initially, I joined the Queensland Public Library Association as the South Queensland Representative to expand my strategic knowledge of public libraries across Queensland. I then took on the role of treasurer for the QPLA to develop skills in areas I was unfamiliar with. Both roles have lead to substantial knowledge growth.

In my 2 years on the board in these roles, I have found that this participation has been one of the most beneficial ever to my career. I have learnt so much and gained so many valuable contacts across the State. Public libraries have shared their approaches, strategies, policies and experiences and together we have achieved outstanding outcomes for community across the state. Having a network of peers to tap into when dealing with decisions around book challenges, social justice movements, and potential boycotts of platforms you use every day is truly priceless.

I also was thrilled to be a part of delivering a Professional Development event as well as a Conference which benefits librarians in small, medium and large Councils as well as Indigenous Knowledge Centres and Independent Library Services.

The friendships I made whilst on the board have also been a highlight. The QPLA isn’t just another networking group — it’s a vibrant community of librarians where anyone can tap into the wonderous brains trust. It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to shape the future of libraries in Queensland. – Shelly Lausberg | Library Client Services Program Leader | Logan City Council

Regional Representatives

Being on the QPLA Board in the role of Central Queensland representative was one of the best professional decisions I have ever made. Working with a team of motivated professionals all with diverse skills, talents and experiences helped me get wider knowledge of the successes and challenges felt within Queensland Libraries and a better appreciation of why we need to fight for the continuation of public libraries.

In my term as CQ representative I also had the pleasure, and learning curve, of being conference convenor of the 2022 QPLA Conference ‘EVOKE’. This was a labour of love that was so worthwhile! The connections, experience, memories, professional and personal development from that conference are invaluable.

Ultimately the QPLA board allowed me to be a part of something bigger, and it was invigorating and professionally rewarding to be part of a team of passionate, motivated professionals.   – Jaala Beauchamp | Youth Services Librarian | Bundaberg Regional Libraries

Being on the Board of QPLA as a Regional Representative helped me connect with colleagues in my region and offered great opportunities to consult and collaborate. Working alongside other Board members was also the best career-building and mentoring experience I’ve ever had. I learnt a lot, met some great friends and enjoyed my time immensely.  – Lisa Harth | Library Content and Collections Coordinator | Ipswich Libraries

Being the Southwest representative on the QPLA (Queensland Public Libraries Association) board has been an immensely rewarding experience. Throughout my tenure, I have reaped numerous benefits that have enhanced both my professional growth and personal connections.

First and foremost, serving on the QPLA board has allowed me to stay consistently informed about the latest developments and advancements within the realm of public libraries. The board provides an invaluable platform for sharing information, discussing current trends, and addressing emerging challenges. By actively participating in these discussions, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape of public libraries. This knowledge has not only enabled me to contribute effectively to the board but has also enhanced my ability to serve my own library and community more efficiently.

Additionally, being a representative on the QPLA board has opened doors to expand my professional network significantly. Collaborating with board members from diverse backgrounds and library services has provided me with the opportunity to establish connections with professionals who share a common passion for libraries. These connections have proven to be invaluable resources for exchanging ideas, seeking advice, and exploring collaborative projects. The board meetings, conferences, and workshops have been instrumental in fostering these connections and have enriched my professional journey.

Moreover, the friendships I have developed with other board members have been a highlight of my experience. The shared commitment to advancing the field of public libraries has created a sense of camaraderie among us. Engaging in thoughtful discussions, working towards common goals, and supporting one another has not only made the board meetings enjoyable but has also forged lasting friendships. These relationships extend beyond the boardroom, creating a support system that enriches both personal and professional aspects of my life.

Lastly, one of the significant advantages of being a representative from a regional library service is the exposure to what’s happening in larger library services. The QPLA board provides a platform to learn from and collaborate with representatives from bigger library services. This exposure has broadened my perspective and allowed me to implement innovative practices and strategies in my own library, contributing to its growth and development.

In conclusion, my experience as a representative on the QPLA board has been highly fulfilling. The benefits I have gained, including staying informed, expanding my professional network, forming valuable friendships, and accessing knowledge from larger library services, have had a profound impact on both my personal and professional growth. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have served on the board.Chris Bermingham | Library Services Coordinator | Western Downs Regional Libraries

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